Can Christians Participate in Hypnosis?
I get asked all the time, what Christian hypnosis is and “Can Christians participate in hypnosis?” The short answer is, yes. Hypnosis is not forbidden in Scripture. The word, ‘hypnosis’ is not mentioned in the Bible because the term did not exist until James Braid (1795-1860), a Scottish surgeon, coined it in the 1840’s. The Greek root word ‘hypnos’ means ‘sleep.’ The Greek and Latin ‘osis’ means ‘state’ or ‘condition.’ So the term ‘hypnosis’ means ‘sleep state,’ which is a misnomer. Hypnosis is not sleep. A person in hypnosis appears to be asleep but is acutely aware of what is going on around them.
I explain to my clients that hypnosis is guided meditation. By which I mean, as the therapist, I give the client something to focus on – my voice. Another way to describe what I do is visualization. I use descriptive visualizations that comfort the client into a relaxed state – I guide them. It is up to the client to allow the thoughts, visualizations, and suggestions into their mind.
It’s crucial to note that the client, not the therapist, is always in control of the client’s mind. The client can reject or ignore anything said. Clients retain the ability to stop or refuse the process at any time. Clients make the choice to listen to me and accept my suggestions. I cannot force them.
What is Meditation?
If hypnosis is guided meditation, what is meditation? There are many types of meditation. Here are a few with brief descriptions: Transcendental Meditation, or TM, involves repeating a mantra word or phrase over and over by the meditator while sitting. The goal is to transcend, or go beyond, the surface level of thought to a state of calm. This is what most people I encounter think all meditation is. It is not, and this is not what I do or teach my clients.
Mindfulness meditation is focusing on something with as many senses as you can. For example, sitting on the beach at the edge of the water and listening to the waves, wind, and sea gulls. Looking out at the water and noticing the various colors and sizes of the waves etc.
Body Scan meditation is just what it sounds like. You scan your body for sensations, preferably while lying down. You acknowledge the sensation, then let it go. Another type of body scan is known as progressive relaxation. In this meditation, you begin systematically tensing and releasing the muscles in your body.
Contemplative Prayer meditation is intended to bring you closer to God. You first choose a sacred word or phrase, such as Jesus, Holy, God Almighty, Peace, etc. Next, you sit or lie comfortably and focus on God and your relationship. If a negative or distracting thought occurs, silently say your sacred word to dismiss it and resume abiding in God’s presence.
Christian meditation, as described in the Holy Bible, is contemplating or thinking deeply on Scriptures, internalizing them, and drawing nearer to God.
The Hypnosis Process
The process of hypnosis begins with relaxing the client. Remember, hypnosis looks like sleep. Hypnosis occurs in a natural state that can be measured by brainwave activity. Specifically, the alpha and theta states of brainwave activity. These states are sandwiched between fully awake (beta) and sleep (delta). This state can be accomplished through progressive relaxation, focusing on an object, sound or music, visualizing something soothing, etc. Once in the hypnotic state, aka alpha or theta, the hypnotherapist gives suggestions for the desired goal of the client. When finished, the hypnotherapist then instructs the client to ‘wake up,’ often by counting.
Upon waking (beta state), clients report feeling extremely relaxed, calm, and not wanting to move or talk. Clients remember everything that was said to them. They may even state that they heard traffic outside or some other noise that happened while in hypnosis. I’ve had clients tell me they didn’t completely agree with something I said, so they changed it in their mind. For example, I said they were at the ocean, and they chose to visualize the lake instead. The client is always in control of their mind.
I have also had clients refuse to wake up or even fall asleep when I told them to wake up. They were so comfortable and peaceful, they chose to stay in that state or go deeper into delta, which is sleep. It has never taken more than a minute for the client to wake themselves up after I stopped talking to them. I once had a client refuse to wake up after telling her three times. She still had time in her session, so I stopped talking and began getting her recording ready for her to take home. She opened one eye and whispered, “Are we done? I’m really comfortable.”
How Does Hypnosis Work?
The suggestions given during hypnosis for the client to accomplish goals are called post-hypnotic suggestions. Such as, “Only ice-cold water quenches your thirst,” or “Seeing dirty dishes reminds you that God provides for you.” These are suggestions that prompt positive thoughts at the appropriate times for the client. If you’re thinking this sounds like positive affirmations, you’re correct. Positive affirmations are given in the alpha and theta states because you are more focused and able to tune out distractions. In this state, the suggestions bypass the critical mind that tends to fight change and cast doubt.
In most cases, the client need not answer questions or dive into their memory while in hypnosis. They’re free to just relax and allow the positive affirmations into the subconscious without the effort of thinking them up. All clients have to do is listen and allow the positive suggestions in. Think about the difference in reading a book vs. listening to an audio book. With the latter, you can listen while making dinner or lying in bed with your eyes closed. Listening takes less effort, but if you listen while relaxed, you are more focused and get more out of it.
While in the alpha or theta states, you are extremely relaxed and could go to sleep if you wanted. Lying half-asleep and comfortable in bed while choosing to ignore the neighbor’s lawnmower is an example of the hypnotic state. Now imagine hearing your dog about to vomit while in your comfortable bed half-asleep. My guess is you choose to immediately spring out of bed and get the dog outside. This is an example of intentionally leaving the hypnotic state. The client is always in control of their mind.
What is Christian Hypnosis?
Since the Bible doesn’t mention hypnosis directly, is there approval from Scripture for Christian hypnosis? Hypnosis or meditation is a relaxed state of mind and body with focused attention occurring in the alpha and theta states. The Bible not only mentions and approves of Christian meditation but encourages this practice.
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8, NIV).
In my office, I refuse to do any type of hypnosis that goes against Scripture, such as past life regression. I begin the hypnosis with prayer to God in Jesus’ name, and I use Scriptures relevant to the client’s issue in the hypnosis. Imagery of God and Jesus are often used in the relaxing visualization. The hypnosis portion is recorded so the client can continue listening at home. I essentially give them positive affirmations and Scripture to meditate on. The more clients listen to their Christian hypnosis recording, the better their results.
Obviously, what you meditate on is important. Anything can be misused or abused. Medicine is a great thing, but it is misused and abused every day. Christian hypnosis and meditation is a great way to draw closer to God, but people can meditate or dwell on evil as well. Be sure to always fill your mind with goodness.
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8, NIV).
Relax to Linda’s Serenity Christian Meditations podcast.
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