Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay for Christians to use hypnosis?

Absolutely! Hypnosis is perfectly safe and is a form of meditation, which the Bible encourages believers to do often.

Is the person in hypnosis unconscious?

No. Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind and body. It is similar to day-dreaming or when completely absorbed in a good book or movie and outside distractions are not noticed. Hypnosis is typically performed in the alpha or theta states, which are naturally occurring states of brainwave activity that everyone goes through while falling asleep and waking up.

Is hypnosis mind control?

No! The person being hypnotized remains in control the entire time. A hypnotized person chooses to accept or dismiss every suggestion given.

Will I be forced to say or do things I don’t want to do?

Never! The purpose of hypnotherapy is to aid the client in accomplishing the client’s goal. In other words, hypnotherapy is what the client wants, not the hypnotherapist. And remember, the client can accept or reject any suggestion, so even a well-intentioned, albeit misguided suggestion from the hypnotherapist, will be rejected by the client if it isn’t what the client wants.

What about past-life regressions?

Serenity Christian Hypnosis adheres tightly to the teachings of the Holy Bible. Reincarnation is not supported by Christian teaching. Hebrews 9:27 says, “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,”  If we only die once, we cannot have past lives, and therefore, past-life regressions are not done at Serenity.

Can hypnosis make me quit smoking?

Hypnosis is an excellent tool for breaking addictions, however, hypnosis is not mind control and cannot make anyone do anything he or she does not want to do. The desire to quit smoking, or quit any habit/addiction, must be present. Hypnosis will help the client succeed when he or she truly wants to change.