The Bible warns us against conforming to the world and being led astray. Small concessions grease the tracks on a slippery slope. I don’t think most people conform for the…
Do You Need a Toxic Purge? Has negativity built up in your life to the point of needing to do a toxic purge? Every year when January rolls around, everyone…
Is Revenge Okay? Revenge seems natural after being betrayed, maliciously attacked, or outcast because it hurts. When you are conscientiously trying to be a good person and do the right…
Thankful for What? We need to practice being thankful every day of the year for everything we have. Sometimes, being thankful for anything is a struggle. When your life includes…
Disappointment is Inevitable Experiencing disappointment is part of life. From letdowns as simple as a vending machine being out of your favorite snack to heartache as big as betrayal by…
We all find ourselves picking up the pieces of a devastating experience and we all try to hide our pain. Trying to present our lives as normal, happy, and dare I say, perfect, takes a toll.